
For many Mensans the main enjoyment of their membership is in meeting others of a similar mind, the stimulation of each other's company and participating in a wide range of social and cultural activities. If you do join Mensa, we would encourage you to overcome any initial shyness you may have and to attend a few local gatherings. 

Although Mensa takes no stand on political, religious, or social issues, individual Mensa members often have widely-varying, firm opinions.

It is said that in a room with 12 Mensans you will find at least 13 differing opinions on any given subject.

There is simply no one prevailing characteristic of Mensa members other than high IQ. 

Here in New Zealand our national publication is called Menzed. It consists of contributions from Mensans in the form of letters and articles on a wide range of subjects, plus brain twisters, crosswords, cryptograms and poetry. It also informs members of upcoming events. All members receive this monthly publication and are encouraged to submit letters or other material. Included in Menzed is the Mensa International Journal, which is circulated to more than 100,000 Mensans around the world. 

All members receive a register containing information about other members and their interests. Our register is updated and published every year. We also have an active electronic communication group for those who wish to converse more frequently than the monthly publication. Membership of this e-group is open to all current financial members. 

Every year we hold two weekend gatherings, an AGM and an Interim Gathering, which enable members from all over New Zealand to come together and enjoy various activities. Recent gatherings have included guest speakers, a trip to the National Archives and the Beehive, wine tasting, laser strike, car rally/treasure hunt, plus quizzes, games, an art & craft display, good food and good company-a chance to meet more than the local membership. 

Also as a Mensa member, you are entitled to attend Mensa meetings anywhere in the world. Large national and regional gatherings are held frequently in Europe and in the USA. Travelling Mensans enjoy attending them and host Mensans look forward to meeting visiting Mensans. Should you decide to live in another country you may apply to have your membership transferred. All national Mensa organisations throughout the world have an agreement to accept the transfer of membership with no additional subscription fee for that financial year. 

Thousands of Mensans throughout the world are registered with their local SIGHT (Service for International Guidance and Hospitality for Travellers) co-ordinator. Any Mensan can register themselves as a SIGHT host, offering accommodation or general hospitality to visiting Mensans. As a Mensan you can also expect similar hospitality when you travel. 

SIGs (Special Interest Groups) exist internationally to cater for hundreds of hobbies and interests. A list of SIGs is published periodically in Menzed. 

Mensa encourages you to use, exercise and expand your intellect. Accept the challenge, discover for yourself how stimulating the company of a group of high IQ individuals can be. It may surprise you. 

Mensa New Zealand Inc is pleased to offer a scholarship for current members of Mensa New Zealand who are undertaking tertiary study. One or two scholarships of $500 each will be awarded at the discretion of the Board of Mensa New Zealand. To apply, please fill in the application form.  

Should you join, we're sure you will find that Mensa is more than a test passed with flying colours, but an opportunity to meet interesting and varied people, and an ongoing pleasure.